Advanced Massage Techniques


The evolution of massage throughout the centuries has brought about a set of practical techniques that draw from many cultures and beliefs. The result is a wide range of soft and deep tissue manipulations that provide a natural extension to basic massage skills. This superb back, neck and shoulder massage has been introduced particularly for the client who requires the use of deeper faster massage techniques and more importantly – results! These techniques integrate both Western and Eastern influences to produce a greater involvement in the art and science of massage. This treatment concentrates on the neck and shoulder areas using adapted Shiatsu techniques, Neuromuscular Massage, Stretch and release techniques, connective tissue massage, muscle energy techniques, trigger points and passive movements. Once clients experience this massage, they will not want to return to a basic massage!

Course content: This course provides a natural route of progression for many therapists who wish to extend their basic massage skills and offer their clients a more advanced massage treatment. Learners will use a range of advanced techniques to enhance their treatments; contra-indications and contra-actions; advanced anatomy and physiology will also be studied along with myology and the problems associated with it.


Two Day Course

No kit required.

© The Modern School of Ancient Therapies 2005